Kikote – Location Picker at Checkout for WooCommerce – Update v1.8.2
This update comes with the following changes:
[New PRO] “Free Shipping for Region” feature. Give customers Free Shipping based on their region and cart totals.
[Fix PRO] “Free Shipping” would be shown when the free shipping allowance has been subtracted from the customer’s total distance and the remaining value is less than the free shipping allowance.
[Improvement PRO] Option to use the store selected in Store Selector dropdown on the checkout page as the origin location for Cost by Distance workflows.
[Improvement PRO] Remove the shipping method(s) attached to Kikote’s shipping workflows from the checkout shipping methods if the method(s) have no cost (Doesn’t apply if the method gets change to Free Shipping by Kikote).
[Improvement PRO] Made it possible to filter the address types used for the Places AutoComplete feature using lpac_pro_places_autocomplete_type filter. This allows you to bias the results returned by Google to include both ‘geocode’ and ‘establishment’ addresses.
[Info] Tested on WC 7.9.
[Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
A notable change in this update is a new Free Shipping for Region feature that lets store owners create Free Shipping rules for their created serviceable regions. Store owners can set the minimum and maximum cart total a customer needs to have to be eligible for free shipping.

Another change is the ability to now use the store that the customer chooses from the Store Selector dropdown on the checkout page as the origin location for the Cost by Distance shipping workflow calculations.

This will allow you to offer more accurate distance shipping costs when you have multiple store locations that customers can choose from.
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