The “Please select your location manually by clicking on the map then moving the marker to your desired location.” text shows when the user/customer has denied your website access to their location or something about their browser is preventing the website from getting their location.
In those cases the message would show. A user would have to manually reset location permissions for their browser to rid this message and get your website to prompt them for permission to detect location again.
Unfortunately this is just how browsers work.
Here’s how to reset location services for Google Chrome:
Here’s how for iOS Safari:
To change the actual message shown to the user when the website can’t detect their location, you can use the snippet below:
function sl_cc_edit_manual_location_selection_text($strings){
$strings['manually_select_location'] = 'ADD YOUR CUSTOM MESSAGE HERE';
return $strings;
add_filter('kikote_frontend_translated_strings', 'sl_cc_edit_manual_location_selection_text');