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How to Add Custom Checkout Page Notice

You might want to provide your customers with a bit more details about how to checkout on your website. It’s possible to add a custom checkout notice to inform customers of how to go about placing an order.

The following snippet does just that, simply change out the part of the snippet where it says: *REPLACE WITH YOUR DESIRED TEXT* with the text you’d like displayed on the checkout page.

add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', 'sl_cc_checkout_notice_1', 10 );
function sl_cc_checkout_notice_1() {
    wc_print_notice( sprintf(
        __("%s *REPLACE WITH YOUR DESIRED TEXT*", "woocommerce"),
        '<strong>' . __("Order Instructions:", "woocommerce") . '</strong>',
    ), 'success' );